We add new materials to the library’s collection all the time, and we thought you might want to know about them. Check out the New Materials List, a new feature that shows what we’ve recently added to the collection and how you can get access.
Web of Science is the world's most trusted publisher-independent global citation database. The platform indexes every piece of content cover-to-cover, creating a complete and confident view of over 115 years of the highest-quality research. The citation database covers scholarly journal literature in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities and is the leading resource for tracking citations and locating research support materials.
Through Steely, NKU students, faculty, and staff have free access to the New York Times. The digital edition of the New York Times includes breaking news, multimedia, opinion, blogs, videos, searchable archives back to 1851, and more. In addition, users can share content on social networks, save articles of interest, subscribe to email newsletters, and set up personalized alerts. Users must register an NYT account with their NKU email address to secure free access.
Apart from investing his time on behalf of the Steely Library, Greg and his wife, Sheila Edwards, have a long history of giving to the university. Recognizing the significant impact that NKU has had on their lives, the pair decided to develop a plan with long-term goals for their philanthropic giving. From this thoughtful consideration came the recent establishment of the Greg and Sheila Edwards Fund for Excellence, supporting the FoSL, the Steely Library itself and the College of Arts and Sciences.
Northern Kentucky University has been selected to participate in the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) Institute on Open Educational Resources. NKU is the only university in the Commonwealth joining the year-long program designed to help institutions adopt accessible and affordable instructional materials.
We add new materials to the library’s collection all the time, and we thought you might want to know about them. Check out the New Materials List, a new feature that shows what we’ve recently added to the collection and how you can get access.
Web of Science is the world's most trusted publisher-independent global citation database. The platform indexes every piece of content cover-to-cover, creating a complete and confident view of over 115 years of the highest-quality research. The citation database covers scholarly journal literature in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities and is the leading resource for tracking citations and locating research support materials.
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Information is collected automatically by NKU as part of the software operation of our website. This data is not personally identifiable information. NKU uses this information for internal purposes, such as marketing and seeing what pages are most frequently visited. Click "Accept" to continue to use NKU website(s), and consent to our collection of cookies. For more information please see NKU's Web Privacy Statement.